In the process of searching for former students to build our mailing list and organize the reunion, we’ve discovered that many of our friends and former classmates have passed on. We’ve decided to create this in memory of them. Errors and omissions are unintentional. Please contact us with any corrections or additions.
Bohdanowycz Fr. Peter
Antoniuk Melvin Matthew
Babiuk Eugene
Bachtalowski Fr. Stephen
Baraniecki Fr. Michael
Bast Cliff
Blocher Walter
Bocian Greg
Bociurkiw Roman
Bodykevich Constantine
Bodykevich David
Boguski Don
Brother Basil
Brother Bernie
Brother Bohdan
Brother Gabe (John)
Brother Mike
Brother Onesim
Brother Stephan
Brother Theodore
Brother Vince
Byblow Fr. Demetrius
Bzdel Henry
Bzdel Metropolitan Michael
Carriere Roland
Chomiak Fr. Roman
Chuey Brian Michael
Danyluk Alex
Denischuk Fr. Joseph
Diakow Peter
Dybka Fr. Yaroslav
Dzurman Fr. Maurice
Evanochko Fr. Sam
Ewasienko Nick
Ference Deacon Dennis
Fetsco Fr. John
Fornalchuk Fr. Joseph
Gembarsky Steve
Gutiw Terry
Hadewich Clare
Hapichuk Benny
Hardy Colin
Haverluk Gerald
Healy Fr. James
Hodowany Nestor
Holowatiuk Peter
Holowatuk Shayne
Howat Rod
Hrechanyk Gerard
Hrynchyshyn Bishop Michael
Humeniuk Bill
Kereluik Dennis
Kinaschuk Gary
Klimchak Michael
Kohuch Gary
Kopiakiwsky Fr. Nicholas
Korba Fr. Joseph
Korba Fr. Vladimir
Koshowski Darryl
Kostecki Eugene
Kowalchuk Deacon Morris
Kozak Ross
Kozakewich Joseph
Krawchuk Fr. Ted
Krawec Nick
Krochak Fr. Mike
Kuchmiak Bishop Michael
Kulyk Peter
Kushko Fr. Methodius
Kuzyk Mike
Kyba Fr. Boris
Lalach Archdeacon Ray
Laptuta Fr. Peter
Laszok Nicholas
Litwinchuk Walter
Luchak Milton
Lukey Ken
Lukie Alex
Lukie Paul
Luzney Fr. Mitrat Rudolph
Macenko Doctor Paul
Maksymetz Michael
Maluga Fr. Paul
Marchak Bradley Allan
Marcyniuk Ken
Martyniuk Fr. Roman
Mason Myron
Memrick John
Michalyshyn Wayne
Moroz Ray
Novak Andrew
Novak Fr. Gregory
Novak Metro
Olynek Fr. Harry
Olynyk Fr. Stephen
Panio John
Panio Vladimir
Parchewsky Charles
Pasternak Neil
Patson Christopher
Pawliuk Fr. Tony
Perchaluk Joe
Perejda Fr. George
Pidskalny Fr. Peter
Plante Joel
Polos Stephen
Radkewycz Fr. Jarapolk “Yogi”
Ratushniak Fr. Len
Scharinger Fr. Jim
Schesniuk Chester
Shawel Fr. Stephen J
Shawel Fr. Stephen S
Short Jim
Shudrak Fr. Yaroslaw
Shular Nestor Raymond
Shwaluk Kenneth
Sorochuk Bruce
Spivak Carl
Stasiuk Orest
Strutt Anthony
Strutynsky Ken
Stuchlak Fr. John
Styba Ethel
Styba Michael
Sywanyk Jarosław
Thoms Jerome
Tkachuk William
Todoruk Paul
Trakalo Gerry
Tremblay Fr. Emilien
Verhulst Fr. Eugene
Wahaley George
Warnicki Fred
Woloshyn Chris
Woychyshyn Terrance
Yakimishyn Nick
Yakimishyn Walter
Yarko Steve
Yeo Robert