During the planning process of our upcoming Reunion it was suggested that a Memory Book be compiled as a keepsake. As we contacted Alumni it was interesting to learn of the variety of careers which resulted from attending St. Vladimir’s College. The original intent was to encourage vocation to the Priesthood and for some attendees that did occur.
However, not everyone felt the calling and a variety of careers resulted from our time at Roblin. We are all talented in our own right, are truly gifted and have become productive members of society. Amongst our comrades are Doctors, Lawyers, Accountants, Advertisers, Diplomats, Members of Parliament, Police Officers, Firefighters, Health Care Aids, Entrepreneurs, Teachers, Counsellors, Hair Dressers, Park Personnel, Business Leaders, Builders, Engineers, and Heavy
Construction Professionals.
In addition to our careers we have proceeded in utilizing the skills and gifts that were developed at the college such as music, team building and leadership – allowing us to pursue other interests and forms of Brotherhood such as The Knights of Columbus, Cantors, Choir Members, Coaches and Church Leaders.
The Memory Book would be an opportunity to share your life’s journey after the College with fellow alumni as well as with family such as children and grandchildren. This can include additional education after The College, hobbies and special interests. Are you
married or do you have a significant other? Did you meet them while attending St. Vlads? Pictures can also be provided so that Alumni can see what you looked like then as compared to today and family photos are also welcome.
You can write your chapter in story fashion or in point form and we will definitely attempt to provide a professional summary of your life.
Our intention is to assemble your information and determine the most effective way to distribute this keepsake. It can either be electronically or in book form. Your response would be greatly appreciated and form of publication will be based on your preference. We also encourage Clergy to share their life experiences and journeys. Every member of St. Vladimir’s College has a story to tell.
We welcome your feedback. Please email any member of ther reunion committee or the website.